Thursday, November 11, 2010


watch the video Future, Technology, and the Next 50 years
write a post on your thoughts of the video, whether you agree or disagree. If these changes are made during the next 50 years, will they effect us in a positive way or a negative way? Are you prepared for the changes discussed?

As interesting as these innovations are, I don't know that many of them are realistic in the sense that they will happen within 50 years, or even at all. But you really never know, look how far we've come in the last 20 years, so I guess that anything is possible.The most questionable ones that I found were LCD contacts, Robots, nano robots that are injected into your bloodstream to cure disease, and 1 billion earth-like planets in our atmosphere. They are all very fascinating ideas and if the world really comes to that, who knows what we are capable of. On a positive note, having a water powered car would be pretty awesome, but what happens when the water runs out. I am ready for just about anything. I would like to think that some of these things are possible and that they will make our world a better place to be. When I am 80 years old and they are able to inject a little robot into my bloodstream, I will remember this post..and say "wow, it really happened." Until then, I may be a little skeptical. Lets be realistic. But like I said, anything is possible.


  1. What a great find. I agree with you in that I'm not sure if I personally think some of things innovations are nothing more than a dream. And speaking for myself. I'm not sure how I feel about having nano robots swimming around in my body. I know they are there to help you, but just something I'm not sure I am comfortable with just yet. Water powered cars are again a great idea, but like you said, what will happen when we run out of water. The video did not specify whether it had to be clean water or salt water or any kind of water which leaves this an open ended concern to me. However, all of that being said I am with you. Anything is possible these days and with the rate that technology moves these are not unattainable goals.

  2. Margeaux,

    I agree that some of these things seem quite unrealistic; however, anything is possible. Dr. Strange actually made a blog post about his predictions for the future, and even though it seems crazy, I think a lot of these things will actually occur. I really enjoyed this video though! Where did you find it at?
